Okay, so I was sitting at a computer with internet and nothing else to do today. I am not allowed to go to any video or chatting sites. The next best thing? A website called Worth1000.com. If you are ever looking for some photoshopped pictures, take a look there. They have everything under the sun plus some! Here are some of the hundreds of pictures I found.
Chocolate lovers dream...
For all of those coffee lovers out there.
Coke and Mentos?
Mario anyone?
Click to feed Selar's frog!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
2 hours on the internet+boredom+no chatting abbilty=worth1000.com
Monday, October 6, 2008
Man in my pocket and having a "Blast"
HI! *Waves* How are you today? I am doing just great!
Last week, specifically everything after Satureday went by WAY to fast for my liking. Thursday I went to the local Agicultural Fair. I had a blast. I enjoyed taking pictures and spending time with my friend and family than I did riding the rides. I know that sounds weird, but it is true. I loved it. Especially when you see the pictures I took. Click here to see the little man that road around in my pocket. He was a very intersting person to have with me all night. I don't know if he enjoyed himself or not. You will have to ask him.
Satureday was a "Blast." The youth group went the the Carolina Youth Blast. I know, BAD pun, but I couldn't help myself! There were carnival like games that tested your skills, a mechanical bull, foxhole human foosball, climbing wall, giant slide, obstacle course racing, sparing, somo wrestling, and a volleyball tournment. My favorite games would have to have been the human foosball and sparing. The time spent in the van coming and going was pretty fun too!
There also was three services scattered through out the day. Mike Shrock was the speaker. He spoke on Salvation, the heart of an unbeliever, and the kind of "fountain" we should have. All three messages were good. Mike Shrock is always very animated. In the first service he yelled to infasize that he was excited about being saved. It echoed like you wouldn't believe! He was so tickled about that he yelled again! It echoed again! I am sure the whole area was wondering what in the world was going on! It was so funny....
There doesn't appear to be anything fun planned this weekend. It will probably be spent cleaning and organizing. What fun! :P
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Youth group and beach
Hey all! Last Wednesday at church we were goofing off before hand like usual when something funny happened. The guys were trying to see if one of them could make a basket from the other end of the basketball court. This can be very dangerous mind you. Flying basketballs everywhere! I was retrieving the misssed balls from off of the stage. This was also one of the safer places to stand. I threw one of the balls to my friend, Scotty. The ball went right between his hands and NAILED him in the nose! It was SO funny! He had to sneeze for the longest time after that.
The service was very unique. Mr. DeLand could not preach. He was going to talk about the verse in James where it talks about being doers of the word and not hearers only. In that cluster of verses was the verse that talks about being slow to wrath and quick to hear. Well, earlier that day he had been quick to anger and slow to listen. This made him only a hearer of the word and not a doer so he could not preach his planned message. This was the first time I have ever had a youth leader do this. It was kinda neat. As well as inspiring.
The game we played that night was "chariots". It is a game that I will not play again unless the chariots have wheels. You were basicly pulling team mates around a circle on a blanket. The blanket wasn't very slick. This made it VERY hard for me because I am in many ways a light weight. When I was being pulled it wasn't a problem. I had a problem pulling. I over taxed my body. This gave me a MAJOR head ache. I was able to sleep it off, but next time I am definitely not playing again.
Saturday we had a youth activity to play games, eat (of course!) and watch the movie, "The Climb". It was a good movie! I also enjoyed playing the games. Hockey was the biggest game. The other game we played was kinda like the game Cat in the Hat at the Wilds. If you are not familier with that game, its basicly musical chairs on stariods. (I know I spelled that last word wrong, but I can't figure out another way to spell it!) It was a VERY fun night! I can't wait till the next youth activity!
Now, what does the beach have to do with youth group? Apsolutly nothing! I am currently in Myrtle Beach, SC. Our room faces right out on the water. It is very cool! I will be enjoying myself greatly the next few days.
Here are a few pictures from the past week.
Monday, September 15, 2008
school with poetry
Today I think is the first Monday I was not really jumping to get to school. I think I am still wanting to go slow from all of last weeks nonstop-ness. (I know that is not a word.)
I am getting a little fed up with the treatment I am receiving from one of my friends. They sit with me at lunch. I am not sure why they do because most of the time they don't really even talk with me. Sure there is a little bit of polite stuff here and there but before I know it either they have gotten up and left or they have brought out their vampire love story book along with their mp3 player and seem to forget I even excist. Don't you just love those kinds of people? Especially when they wonder what is wrong with you when you start acting the same way! I know thats life, just is slightly annoying.
Anyway, in English today we did something fun. We read and wrote poems. Not really complicated ones, but simple ones. If you want to see my favorite three poems that we read today go here. As for the poems we had to write, they had to be acrostics. That made my life SO much easier! I couldn't decide on which to write about so I did these two.
Sovereign is my Lord
And King,
Victorious shall He be.
I want to serve Him forever.
On my knees I will show my
Utter appreciation for His
Risen Son.
Delightful, I can be.
Excitement is not shown
By hyper activity, like most
Out there, is how most describe me
Reserved are my actions in new circumstances,
Am I hitting the mark? I often ask.
Happy am I with the way God made me.
I know the second one seems choppy and doesn't flow well but I just don't know how to fix it. So, what do you guys think? See me being a poet in the future? Have any ideas on how to make the second poem not so choppy? Have any ideas on how to deal with my friend? Please let me know!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
I didn't forget about you guys, I promise! With hurricane Hanna coming through last weekend I didn't know if we were going to have to get out quickly so I didn't post anything. Wanted to include that in my post. Then Monday hit and I haven't stopped running since. At least that is how it feels!
- My English teacher's birthday was on the 6th. So I made her a little gift. Click here to find the full story. I had to carry her gift around for the first have of the day. (English isn't until 1 o'clock). Nick decided he would try it on for size..I think it looks better on my English teacher.
- It has been a nasty muggy week. It rained most of the week. :( I am very tired of rain.
- Wednesday we played a new game at church. It is called...I don't remember the name actually. It has some interesting rules though. Like in Ultimate Frisbee you can only take two steps before passing the ball. If someone bats it down to the floor, however, you start to play the ball with soccer rules. The idea is to knock over the other teams pin. You can only have on goalie. You can have others guard, but only one person can be over the top of the pin. My team lost, but bearly. I was trying to do my best to guard the pin, but there is only so much you can do when you are wearing coolots. We only lost by one though, so it wasn't that bad.
- I have recently received permission to have a web cam. I can do it with people I know only. Also, I can only do it in the kitchen. This is for my own safety of course. I don't mind at all. What I do mind is when my father decides he wants to be a pain and annoy the mess out of me while I'm using it. Maybe that novelty will wear off soon...I hope...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Take me out to the ball game....
...buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks. I don't care if I ever get back!
Saturday we went to a Mudcats baseball game at church. When we arrived they were finishing up the end of the game that had been rained out the night before. We came in at about the sixth inning. The Mudcats were loosing by one to the Tennessee Smokies. They were not able to bring the game back to beat the Smokies. We had some pretty nice seats. We were at ground level off the right field. The pitchers warmed up right in front of us. There were a few foul balls we had to duck for. The little boys that sat above us made sure that the balls didn't stay on the ground where someone would fall and hurt themselves! There was a net directly in front of us so ground balls were not a problem!
Between the first and second Inning the Mudcats mascot came out on an ATV and shot some shirts into the stands. No one in our group caught one. :( Oh well, better luck next time! Pastor asked if one of the men could make a motion for the church to by him an ATV. It was a running joke the rest of the night! I couldn't believe that I got this picture as the Mudcat drove in front of us and off the field. He hit the warm up mound for the pitchers and jumped. The picture is blurry but still so very cool!
In the middle of the 4th or 5th inning they had to post pone the game because of lightening. We don't want fried baseball players now do we? When that happened half of the crowded went ahead and left. We were the only ones left from Tabernacle that stayed the rest of the game. I enjoyed taking pictures and watching the rest of the game once it started back. The Mudcats lost the second game as well. It was only a seven inning game so I'm not sure if they would have won if it had been a full game or not.
All in all it was a great family fun night!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
School Week, Baseball weekend
I've been pretty busy with school lately. Its been keeping me on my toes. But I am really enjoying it. Unless it rains...anyways. The hardest thing I have had trouble with is the no backpack rule. You can have a purse as long as it is smaller than 12x12 or if its clear. Do you know how much talent it takes to carry three slick books, a lunch box and a jacket? I am very thankful though that a friend of mine came across a purse/bag/thing that is within the limits and my stuff fits in! YAY! The weight on my shoulder does sometimes cut the circulation off in my arm though. I would rather have that then be juggling books down the side walk.
With the Democratic conventions going on my Government teacher offered extra credit if you watched it and wrote a paper about it. About thirty minutes into it I was beginning to wonder if it was worth the ten points extra credit. Its not that I found it boring, its that I am not particularly interested in why all those speakers want Obama for president. I did the assignment in spite of my lack of enjoyment. The paper only had to be three fourths of a page. Mine ended up being a page and a half. Why does that always happen to me? I say more than is really needed? Anyways. He said we could do it for the Republican convention too. I will probably do it for them as well. Maybe do a comparison of the two conventions?
I am excited about this weekend. Saturday we are going to go with church to a Mudcats game. I enjoy watching baseball, but I also enjoy watching it with other people and being able to fellowship with them. I need every excuse I can get for running my mouth! :) I haven't been to a game in years. Don't worry, I will bring my camera and share pictures. I can't decide if I want to take my glove or not. What do you guys think? The last few times I've taken it we have sat where I didn't need it. The one time I could have used it, it was sitting on the shelf at home. *shrugs shoulders* We shall see.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Interesting Email I recieved
Summary of My Last Year on the Computer
I must send my thanks to whoever sent me the one about
poison in the glue on envelopes because I now have to use a
wet towel with every envelope that needs sealing.
Also, now I have to scrub the top of every can I open for
the same reason.
I no longer have any savings because I gave it to a sick
girl (Penny Brown) who is about to die in the hospital for
the 1,387,258th time.
I no longer have any money at all, but that will change once
I receive the $15,000 that Bill Gates/Microsoft and AOL are
sending me for participating in their special e-mail
I no longer worry about my soul because I have 363,214
angels looking out for me, and St. Theresa's novena has
granted my every wish.
I no longer eat KFC because their chickens are actually
horrible mutant freaks with no eyes or feathers.
I no longer use cancer-causing deodorants even though I
smell like a water buffalo on a hot day.
Thanks to you, I have learned that my prayers only get
answered if I forward an email to seven of my friends and
make a wish within five minutes.
Because of your concern, I no longer drink Coca-Cola because
it can remove toilet stains.
I no longer can buy gasoline without taking someone along to
watch the car so a serial killer won't crawl into my back
seat when I'm pumping gas.
I no longer drink Pepsi or Dr. Pepper since the people who
make these products are atheists who refuse to put "Under
God" on their cans.
I no longer use Saran wrap in the microwave because it
causes cancer.
And thanks for letting me know I can't boil a cup of water
in the microwave anymore because it will blow up in my face,
disfiguring me for life.
I no longer check the coin return on pay phones because I
could be nicked with a needle infected with AIDS.
I no longer go to shopping malls because someone will drug
me with a perfume sample and rob me.
I no longer receive packages from UPS or FedEx since they
are actually Al Qaeda in disguise.
I no longer shop at Target since they are French and don't
support our American troops or the Salvation Army.
I no longer answer the phone because someone will ask me to
dial a number for which I will get a phone bill with calls
to Jamaica, Uganda, Singapore, and Uzbekistan.
I no longer buy expensive cookies from Neiman Marcus since I
now have their recipe.
Thanks to you, I can't use anyone's toilet but mine because
a big brown African spider is lurking under the seat to
cause me instant death when it bites me.
And thanks to your great advice, I can't ever pick up $5.00
in the parking lot because it probably was placed there by a
molester waiting underneath my car to grab my leg.
I can no longer drive my car because I can't buy gas from
certain gas companies!
If you don't send this e-mail to at least 144,000 people in
the next 70 minutes, a large dove with diarrhea will land on
your head at 5:00PM this afternoon and the fleas from 12
camels will infest your back, causing you to grow a hairy
hump. I know this will occur because it actually happened to
a friend of my next door neighbor's ex-mother-in-law's
second husband's cousin's beautician...
Have a wonderful day....
Oh, by the way.....A South American scientist from
Argentina, after a lengthy study, has discovered that people
with insufficient brain activity read their email with their
hand on the mouse.
Don't bother taking it off now; it's too late.
Received from February.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Old School project
My mother was going through some old school books and projects of mine. She found this writing project I had to do for history in 2003. That is five Years ago! Wow..anyways, Below are the scanned pictures of my project.
In case you can't read what the documents say, here is what it says.
So there you have it. A little piece of history.
I started school monday. For the first time I am going to a school for my work. I survived, at the first day. We will see if I survive the second! I have started a second blog to talk specifically about my school stuff. I am also trying to make a little bit of money off of it. You can check it out at youvejustbeenschooled.blogspot.com. I will be adding the link to the links on the right hand side if you don't feel like typing. Have a good ya'll!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I am a bad blogger
Summer makes me lazy apparntly in more than just normal stuff, it happens in keeping you guys up to date on here too.
Well I have been to camp. That was a blast. I had the best room! It was full but it was fun. I saw my friend change in a big way while I was there. I am so glad he was able to make it. I have some neat cyber scrapbooks to show you. If you are getting this via email you might have to view the blog directly to get them to work.
We have also had some neat activities at church. A.C.T.S.=After Church To Someplace. Great fun playing Kick ball and Football. The sunglasses on my head saved me from being out once in kick ball. That was intersting to explain to say the least. We also had a water day. That was a blast! The water slide was the best part!
Now the sad news. This past Wednesday was Pastor Mikes last service as Youth Pastor at Tabernacle Baptist church. The Lord is moving him on to another part of service. I don't mind but it was still an emotional night. He will be greatly missed!
I am starting school Monday. For the first time ever I will be GOING to school. I am so excited but also very scared. Keep me in your prayers as I am going into a classroom with mostly unsaved people.
I am thinking about starting another blog that talks specifically about my school experience. What do you guys think?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
This past week has been kinda dull. There was only about 2 things that are really neat.
The first one was of course 4th of July! We basicly hung around the house and then went out and watched fireworks with some friends. I enjoyed the fellowship before the fireworks more than I did the fireworks themselves. The fireworks were well done though!
The second one was my lil sis, Hannah was Baptised Saturday at Lake Waccamaw. One of her previous counselors was able to watch her be Baptised. She really liked that. As well as Uncle Johnie was able to do it. It was really cool!
I will be at camp next week. I am excited about that! I am also excited about the Stargate Weekend I have planned!
the picture says, just in case you can't see it. "I love my boyfriend too!Oh, wait... I don't have one."
Monday, June 30, 2008
I'm an adult! When did that happen and how do I make it stop?
Yes, it is my birthday! I am 18! I know, its amazing! I have had so much fun this weekend. Saturday we went Fort Macon and went down through Pine Knolls to Emerald Isle and then back across to the mainland of North Carolina.
First stop was Fort Macon. It was neat to learn all the interesting little details about the fort! Here are some pictures from there!
We stopped at several shops along the beach. Those places are always interesting. We stopped at the Aquarium in Pine Knolls because there is a letterbox there. (check out atlasquest.com for more information about letterboxing) Momma wanted to buy a postcard from the shop while we were there. Come to find out there was a sand sculpturist (is that a word?) there doing their thing. It was cool! Frogs galore!
We continued on and found more letterboxes that evening.
I think the best part of the whole day was my dad's commentary on the way home! It was hilarious! It was done in only the way my father can do!
Sunday we spent that afternoon at my grandfather's house. It was an enjoyable time with them aswell! Thank you to all that have been so nice in the Happy Birthday wishes and presents!
Hey, If you are interested in subscribing to my blog please leave a comment and I will see if I can add you to the list!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wordle? What is that?
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Okay, I know guys, I've been a very bad girl in not updating this thing! You all can line up to hit my hand if you like. okay, so three weeks has passed since I updated this thing last. I will give you the cliff notes verson of what I have been up too.
First off I was in the GA mountains for a week. We visited four waterfalls, the town of Helen and Brasstown Bald. Brasstown Bald is the highest point in GA and you could see four states from the lookout! It was Awsome! What a wonderful place God created for us!
I got home on a Sunday and that Thursday the youth group went to Kings Dominian. It was the first time I had been and had a grand time! It was warm but the water rides helped out with that. I can't wait to be able to go back! (And no, I did not ride the roller coaster pictured)
And this past weekend I went to my uncles house with my dad to work on the siding. I got to use the numatic stapler for the first time. Scared me half to death though when the hose busted and spewed air out everywhere! I was just glad it was the hose and not the gun malfunctioning. I had a great time with family and working. I love the rides there and back just chatting. Makes the time fly and I learn so much.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Most of what has happened since the last post happened this weekend. I found my first Letterbox, we got to see some old family friends, coming to my aunt's house, going swimming, helping with field day, playing with water balloons, and finding more letterboxes!
Friday we left the house and headed to Travelers Rest SC. We got in late so not much went on then. The next morning we went to our friends house. It was a blast. I had more fun there than I have had in a long time with adults or kids my age. I would tease and they would tease right back. It was such a great challenge and they didn't take anything personally! They took us around to the places where my sister and I found our first letterboxes. If you don't know what that is check it at atlasquest.com or letterboxing.org. I think my dad for the first time in a long time found a place he fit in. They also stuffed us to death!
Sunday we met aunt Janice and she brought us to GA. Sunday was pretty blah. Monday we went swimming for a little bit. but I was chicken and didn't get in..it was too cold.
Today I helped with field day. I timed for the 60 yard dash. I met an interesting fellow there. He seemed really nice. Didn't get his name or anything. It was just fun to have someone intelligent to talk to for a while that was actually a year younger than me. I asked to be timed for the dash at the end while racing this guy. He beat me, not by much though.
When we got home we played some video games and then decided water balloons would be fun. That it was! Throwing, hitting with a baseball bat, smashing over ppls heads, and bouncing water balloons was what followed. It was loads of fun! Here are some pictures!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Wow..what a week!
A lot has happened this past week and I was kinda silly and decided to put it off so that it is going to be one big post. Better get comfy!
Tuesday was one of the coolest days from this past week. I watched the live webcast of the Youth Leaders Cafe'. These are the coolest messages I have ever heard. They have dramatically changed how I look at everyday things and my Devotions and Bible reading. The theme for the sessions this time around was "God's works." They explained how parents are commanded to teach their kids about the works of God. They talked about how when you break down the way a tree (or any piece of nature for that matter) and think about the fact that God made every leaf, every insect that lives in that tree for a purpose, He knows that purpose and guides that insect/leaf to full fill that purpose. Just amazing to think about! They also talked about how to see God's work or Providence and how to teach it to teens. (it is a youth LEADERS cafe' after all...) Since then I have seen how God has worked in my life to allow the help of His Children and bringing Glory to Himself. It is SO awesome to see how God has used little old me! I don't deserve to be used! But I have been! I can't wait to continue to see how He will work in my life but also the lives of my friends and family!
Wednesday at church the game of the night was Human Clue. It was the 4th round I have played. The difference this time was that all the team members had to hold onto a cone the whole game. That way the teams stayed together. It helped even out the teams and between the fastest and slowest ones of the team. Gina started out going around with us along with Hannah Silva, Morgan, and another girl who I can't remember her name. Gina had to sit down though because her knee was bothering her. This allowed us to be able to run. We were the second one to come in and say we were done. The team that came in before us was a team of one so that wasn't so bad. The funny thing was he got one of them wrong. So our team won. I have not lost once when I have played this game. Pastor Mike isn't going to let me play anymore I think. Which is fine. I don't mind.
Friday Daddy and I left to go to my Uncle's house to help with some house repairs. It was all outside work. We worked all day basicly Saturday. I know have a burnt neck and pink arms. I enjoyed working. I also was able to spend time with my cousins which is always nice. I also was able to spend some quality time talking with my dad on they way there and back. I always have enjoyed taking family trips. Its a great time talk. Captive audiance kinda idea. We arrived home Sunday evening.
So that is what has happened the past week. This coming weekend we are going to go to Greenville to visit with family and friend. I will then be going to be a built in babysitter for a week. The next week I get to go to a time share with my aunt and uncle at a camping place. It should be lots of fun. I will do my best to keep up with Blogging but I'm not promising anything! Have a great week everyone!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Fw: before they call I will answer
| |||
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Birthday bash and lady like
Okay, so Saturday was Pastor Mike's birthday. I asked around and was able to get almost all the teens to sign a card for him for his birthday. I then was struck with the idea...What if we surprise him with cupcakes and sing Happy Birthday to him on the Wednesday before his birthday. Well, with the help of Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Samson, we were able to do that. I brought the candles and the card. Mrs. Samson brought the cupcakes and Mrs. Davis brought the drinks and chips. Since I am a teen I wasn't really able to do the presenting so Mrs. Samson did it instead for me. I think he was really surprised. Oh, I forgot to tell you, he turned 30...so there were 30 candles on that cup cake! We only lit one...more then that would be too much and might have caught the cup cake on fire! That would have not been good!
The ladies spring banquet was yesterday at church. The speaker was really good! I wish I had had a video camera, she was very....animated in her challenge. "Do you REALLY know your God?" She explained you can't get to know your God with just ten minutes for a devotional. It takes TIME, and lots of it!
Today is mother's day right? so we went out to the Mayflower for lunch so Momma didn't have to cook. Well, the Pastor's family went as well. Pastor Davis came up and sat down beside me and asked what I had for him to eat, or something like that. I told him he could have my hush puppy (it had a bite taken out of it already). He said he didn't want it. I asked him why. He said because it looks like someone has already taken a bite out of it. I then replied with, "Thats why you can have it." He sat there silently for several seconds looking down at my plate with the hush puppy with this nasty look on his face like I had asked him to eat a worm. It was SO funny! He was not expecting that one in the least! I had so much fun giving him a hard time! Maybe too much fun..
Hey guys, leave a comment! I would love to hear what you guys think about the outfit I wore to the ladies banquet or about your own birthday surprises! You don't have to be a member of blogger to leave a comment!