Hey all! Last Wednesday at church we were goofing off before hand like usual when something funny happened. The guys were trying to see if one of them could make a basket from the other end of the basketball court. This can be very dangerous mind you. Flying basketballs everywhere! I was retrieving the misssed balls from off of the stage. This was also one of the safer places to stand. I threw one of the balls to my friend, Scotty. The ball went right between his hands and NAILED him in the nose! It was SO funny! He had to sneeze for the longest time after that.
The service was very unique. Mr. DeLand could not preach. He was going to talk about the verse in James where it talks about being doers of the word and not hearers only. In that cluster of verses was the verse that talks about being slow to wrath and quick to hear. Well, earlier that day he had been quick to anger and slow to listen. This made him only a hearer of the word and not a doer so he could not preach his planned message. This was the first time I have ever had a youth leader do this. It was kinda neat. As well as inspiring.
The game we played that night was "chariots". It is a game that I will not play again unless the chariots have wheels. You were basicly pulling team mates around a circle on a blanket. The blanket wasn't very slick. This made it VERY hard for me because I am in many ways a light weight. When I was being pulled it wasn't a problem. I had a problem pulling. I over taxed my body. This gave me a MAJOR head ache. I was able to sleep it off, but next time I am definitely not playing again.
Saturday we had a youth activity to play games, eat (of course!) and watch the movie, "The Climb". It was a good movie! I also enjoyed playing the games. Hockey was the biggest game. The other game we played was kinda like the game Cat in the Hat at the Wilds. If you are not familier with that game, its basicly musical chairs on stariods. (I know I spelled that last word wrong, but I can't figure out another way to spell it!) It was a VERY fun night! I can't wait till the next youth activity!
Now, what does the beach have to do with youth group? Apsolutly nothing! I am currently in Myrtle Beach, SC. Our room faces right out on the water. It is very cool! I will be enjoying myself greatly the next few days.
Here are a few pictures from the past week.
Click to feed Selar's frog!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Youth group and beach
Monday, September 15, 2008
school with poetry
Today I think is the first Monday I was not really jumping to get to school. I think I am still wanting to go slow from all of last weeks nonstop-ness. (I know that is not a word.)
I am getting a little fed up with the treatment I am receiving from one of my friends. They sit with me at lunch. I am not sure why they do because most of the time they don't really even talk with me. Sure there is a little bit of polite stuff here and there but before I know it either they have gotten up and left or they have brought out their vampire love story book along with their mp3 player and seem to forget I even excist. Don't you just love those kinds of people? Especially when they wonder what is wrong with you when you start acting the same way! I know thats life, just is slightly annoying.
Anyway, in English today we did something fun. We read and wrote poems. Not really complicated ones, but simple ones. If you want to see my favorite three poems that we read today go here. As for the poems we had to write, they had to be acrostics. That made my life SO much easier! I couldn't decide on which to write about so I did these two.
Sovereign is my Lord
And King,
Victorious shall He be.
I want to serve Him forever.
On my knees I will show my
Utter appreciation for His
Risen Son.
Delightful, I can be.
Excitement is not shown
By hyper activity, like most
Out there, is how most describe me
Reserved are my actions in new circumstances,
Am I hitting the mark? I often ask.
Happy am I with the way God made me.
I know the second one seems choppy and doesn't flow well but I just don't know how to fix it. So, what do you guys think? See me being a poet in the future? Have any ideas on how to make the second poem not so choppy? Have any ideas on how to deal with my friend? Please let me know!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
I didn't forget about you guys, I promise! With hurricane Hanna coming through last weekend I didn't know if we were going to have to get out quickly so I didn't post anything. Wanted to include that in my post. Then Monday hit and I haven't stopped running since. At least that is how it feels!
- My English teacher's birthday was on the 6th. So I made her a little gift. Click here to find the full story. I had to carry her gift around for the first have of the day. (English isn't until 1 o'clock). Nick decided he would try it on for size..I think it looks better on my English teacher.
- It has been a nasty muggy week. It rained most of the week. :( I am very tired of rain.
- Wednesday we played a new game at church. It is called...I don't remember the name actually. It has some interesting rules though. Like in Ultimate Frisbee you can only take two steps before passing the ball. If someone bats it down to the floor, however, you start to play the ball with soccer rules. The idea is to knock over the other teams pin. You can only have on goalie. You can have others guard, but only one person can be over the top of the pin. My team lost, but bearly. I was trying to do my best to guard the pin, but there is only so much you can do when you are wearing coolots. We only lost by one though, so it wasn't that bad.
- I have recently received permission to have a web cam. I can do it with people I know only. Also, I can only do it in the kitchen. This is for my own safety of course. I don't mind at all. What I do mind is when my father decides he wants to be a pain and annoy the mess out of me while I'm using it. Maybe that novelty will wear off soon...I hope...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Take me out to the ball game....
...buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks. I don't care if I ever get back!
Saturday we went to a Mudcats baseball game at church. When we arrived they were finishing up the end of the game that had been rained out the night before. We came in at about the sixth inning. The Mudcats were loosing by one to the Tennessee Smokies. They were not able to bring the game back to beat the Smokies. We had some pretty nice seats. We were at ground level off the right field. The pitchers warmed up right in front of us. There were a few foul balls we had to duck for. The little boys that sat above us made sure that the balls didn't stay on the ground where someone would fall and hurt themselves! There was a net directly in front of us so ground balls were not a problem!
Between the first and second Inning the Mudcats mascot came out on an ATV and shot some shirts into the stands. No one in our group caught one. :( Oh well, better luck next time! Pastor asked if one of the men could make a motion for the church to by him an ATV. It was a running joke the rest of the night! I couldn't believe that I got this picture as the Mudcat drove in front of us and off the field. He hit the warm up mound for the pitchers and jumped. The picture is blurry but still so very cool!
In the middle of the 4th or 5th inning they had to post pone the game because of lightening. We don't want fried baseball players now do we? When that happened half of the crowded went ahead and left. We were the only ones left from Tabernacle that stayed the rest of the game. I enjoyed taking pictures and watching the rest of the game once it started back. The Mudcats lost the second game as well. It was only a seven inning game so I'm not sure if they would have won if it had been a full game or not.
All in all it was a great family fun night!