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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Venting and Crafts, how did those two ever meet?

My dad had given me some old sample rectangles of Coil stock. What are those? They are pieces of aluminum with different color coatings on them. They are about the size of playing cards. I started playing with them this afternoon. I pulled out my Sharpies and some rubbing alcohol. Oh the effects you can get with those simple tools! I thought Photoshop was the only place you could make cool looking things. Apparently I was wrong. I haven't done a WHOLE lot but I have done some simple they are!

So that was the crafting part of this post, here is the venting part.

Subject:Why don't we just tell people what really annoys us about them?

Okay, my mother doesn't let or want me to say what I feel or what annoys me about my friends. Why not? Why not just tell them and work things out then sit there and fume and fuss and complain about it to your mother or to an empty room? What is it about the public unsaid rules that we can't just explain our stand to others? We have to just smile and pretend that everything is alright instead of explaining why we are grumpy or why we are avoiding someone. Can someone please explain this to me?

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