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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Men's Retreat

I went to the Men's Retreat at the Anchorage. You are now probably looking at your screen going, WHAT? Let me explain. I went down to help out in the kitchen. There were two-four other teenagers and 2-3 other adults working in the kitchen besides me. It was a lot of fun even though I stood on my feet 5 hours or better at a time! The goofing around was fun, so was the work. There was never a condesending air about the place. If you did something that you shouldn't they explained what needed to be fixed or done differently and you went on. It was a very teaching/teachable attitude. I also got dips on all the left over desserts! Who can turn down that? (besides maybe a diabetic) I will NEVER EVER give the cooks or op staff a hard time after this weekend. They work way to hard to hear complaining or bulking from me. Makes me even more mad at the girl who spilled salt on the table just so she could play with it last summer.

I have been working on my scrapbook stuff some this past week. Making some head way in the 7 months or better of events I have to catch up on.

So why is it that NO ONE ever comments. It would be wonderful if they did. So I at least know that there are people reading it! Hm...I wonder if there is a way I could get people to comment. Oh Well, if you have any ideas go ahead and post them!

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