My dad had given me some old sample rectangles of Coil stock. What are those? They are pieces of aluminum with different color coatings on them. They are about the size of playing cards. I started playing with them this afternoon. I pulled out my Sharpies and some rubbing alcohol. Oh the effects you can get with those simple tools! I thought Photoshop was the only place you could make cool looking things. Apparently I was wrong. I haven't done a WHOLE lot but I have done some simple they are!
So that was the crafting part of this post, here is the venting part.
Subject:Why don't we just tell people what really annoys us about them?
Okay, my mother doesn't let or want me to say what I feel or what annoys me about my friends. Why not? Why not just tell them and work things out then sit there and fume and fuss and complain about it to your mother or to an empty room? What is it about the public unsaid rules that we can't just explain our stand to others? We have to just smile and pretend that everything is alright instead of explaining why we are grumpy or why we are avoiding someone. Can someone please explain this to me?
Click to feed Selar's frog!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Venting and Crafts, how did those two ever meet?
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Jacking houses and youth rallys
Hey ya'll! So our trailer is way older then I am, right? It has settled some in the years since it was placed on our lot. This has caused us some difficulties in our house. The main one being with doors. The front door wouldn't close properly and the screen door had a gap in the top which we named the "wasp entrance." Our closest door didn't shut at all and the bathroom door never stayed open. Daddy got under the house Friday and with the help of several pieces of wood, a hydrolic jack and car jack we fixed the problem. Now all three doors work properly! No more jerry-rigged ways to keep the Bathroom door open when no one is in there! Daddy also oiled the hinges so they no longer squeak. Now we can sneak around the house at night and no one will know!
Saturday the Tabernacle Youth Group went to a youth rally in Rocky Mount NC. It was a BLAST! The services were great! I enjoyed but yet didn't enjoy the last message. I am glad he preached it but I did not enjoy the conviction. He gave the salvation message in the first message. He talked about those who heard the Gospel and reject Christ are fools. The Bible calls them fools. God calls them fools. In the long run, they really are fools. Choosing a short time of pleasure and paying for it dearly in eternity. His second message was about how God wants us to live in the winner circle as Christians and what happens when a Believer sins. He used David as an example. If we commit sin (which is simply disobedience) we loose our sweet fellowship with God INSTANTLY, it displeases God, there will be a great deal of pain and suffering, we potentially become a stumbling block, and we will most likely suffer chastisement for our disobedience. But yet, there is this great hope that if we are truly sorry for what we have done, turn from it completely we WILL be forgiven and our fellowship with God is reconnected! To bad friendships hear on earth didn't work like that...Now, just because we have been forgiven does not mean we get out from under the consquences of our actions; those we still have to live with. All in all, it was a wonderful day! Here are some pictures from the day!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
A year ago.
I got to thinking and a year ago today I was in Jamestown settlement looking around the recreated ships and buildings. It was neat. Seeing all the different things. I can't imagine being stuck in the bottom of those ships for so long. My height would help there though. Why? Because the lower decks were not all that tall. We were visiting there with the friends of ours, the Martins. They were down during Matthew's spring break.
That night after we had walked around we went to The Medley of English something or other. It was HILARIOUS! They had a "porcupine" get loose. There were jugglers, funny stories, and even a puppet show. We were all laughing so hard! I strongly suggest you see if it you have the chance and are in Williamsburg. I have to say the part I remember the clearest was when I felt like a fish in a fish bowl. What am I talking about? If you haven't already heard the story just ask. I will share.I know you guys are going, "What? She posted three posts in four days?" Don't get used to it. I just had a lot going on this week. I doubt this will happen again for a while.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
7/11 Night at Falls Road
Hi guys! I am a little on the tired side this morning. I have good reason to be though. The youth group went to a youth rally last night from about 7 to 11. We played about a weeks worth of camp games in a night!
The First game was Bombardment. For those of you unfamiliar with The Anchorage Camp games let me explain the rules. It is played a lot like dodge ball. If you get hit by a ball that hasn't hit anything else you are out. If you catch the ball thrown by someone else and catch it before it hits anything else the person who threw it is out. If you get hit in the head, the person who threw it is out. The point of the game is to knock a duck pin (short squatty bowling pin) off of a traffic cone on the other side of the gym. Now, if you have gotten out, you can get back in. How? When your team members catch balls you are allowed to get back in, one at a time in the order that you were gotten out. We lost all but one round of this game.
The Second game was Poop Deck. I am pretty sure everyone has played that so I won't go into the rules. If you don't know how to play just say so and I will explain them then.
After this we ate and Mr. Aaron Burk did a devotional from Deuteronomy 7:11. "Thou shalt therefore keep the commandments, and the statutes, and the judgments, which I command thee this day, to do them." He talked about how we don't like rules. Even when we want to do something and then when we get told to do it, we all of a sudden don't want to do it at all! But, when a relationship comes first the rules all of a sudden don't matter. We will follow them to keep that relationship going. So, we should WANT to follow the rules and guidelines we are given by God because our relationship should be the priority.
The third game we played was called Chicken Murder. It is played with rubber chickens and a rubber bass. The bass is for bonus points and doesn't show up till the round is almost over. It is played similar to basket ball in the sense that you can only take two steps with the chicken in your hand before it is passed. You can't dribble rubber chickens...You score by hitting the chicken./bass on the backboard. You get a bonus point if the chicken subsequently goes into the basket of the bball goal. I have a nice scar from that game. Hannah caught me with her nail across the side of my face. My team lost this game horribly.
The Last game we played was Medic. Very similar to bombardment in the way you get out. The way you get back in in this game is there is a person who is the "medic." When you are hit you sit down and wait. The medic is supposed to come around and tag you and you can get back in. The point of this game is to get everyone out. So you have to keep your medics alive. Makes it quite interesting. My team lost that game too. I was not on a very good team.
We had a blast though! It was so much fun! I can't wait to do something like that again!
Thank you to the Seniors of Falls Road for hosting it! Thanks also to Pastor Mike and Mr. Aaron for running the games!
Btw, thanks for the comments! Keep them up! :-)
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Salamanders and Capture the Flag
Tuesday Katie came out to see me since her class was canceled for the afternoon. We went walking in the woods near our house. I flipped over a piece of trash and found a pair of salamanders. One was bigger then the other. I think I interrupted them. I proceeded to pick them up as Katie took a little step back. I hadn't seen salamanders in years. I held them in my hands and offered one to Katie. She didn't like the idea of holding the slimy animals. She really did NOT want to hold them. We tried to scare Nick with them but that didn't work. Oh well. Maybe I should try scaring Katie next time. We took them back to where we had found them. I tell you what, those two have lost their sense of adventure completely. They didn't enjoy taking the harder paths through the woods just for the fun of climbing through the trees. Nick...wearing converse tried to kick down trees. Small trees but still. Tell me, why would someone wearing shoes with more of a sole than converse kick at a tree not to mention something that thin. Nick is smart but sometimes I really wonder HOW smart he really is.
Last night we played Capture the flag at church. It was an odd version but capture the flag none the less. The first time my team won. The second time we lost. Horribly. Everyone from the other team was out of jail and all but three of our team members were in jail. The three that were left were guarding the flag. A guy who is on the wimpy side, a guy who is kinda like a tank and had a twisted ankle, and I. There were four guys and a girl all going after the flag. Needless to say we lost. We were doing pretty good till one of the other team guys just bulldozed over the wimpy guy. I ran as hard as I could after another fella that had the cone/flag. The thing is this guy plays baseball and is taller then me so he can outrun me easily. Which stinks, but that is life. The location was the breaking point I think between the teams. One was in the wide open and the other was kind secluded. At least with this version we knew where the flag was unlike at camp where we don't and NEVER find it. I am seriously beginning to wonder if they actually hide the flag.
Okay, this is hopefully close enough to the end for THOSE OF YOU WHO FORGET TO COMMENT, that it will remind you and you won't forget. Have you ever played with salamanders or capture the flag? If so do you have a funny story? If not do you have a funny story about some other game or animal? if you do, PLEASE POST A COMMENT!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Typing test
This is something I was sent that I thought I would try on here. You guys should try this too in the comments spot! If you don't know how to post a comment, look at the bottom of this post, there is a link that says "comments" with a number in front of it. click that and post a comment. You can post without logging in to anything or signing up for anything.
No Cheating!!
*Type your name:Deborah
*With your fingers: Deborah
*With your knuckles: DEBORAH
*With your chin: Xsw oidb
*With your elbows: Debrah
*Facing away from the keyboard (this calls for memorization):Deborah
your toes: Deborah
your tongue:-I'm going to skip this one...
copy and paste this to a new email and erase my
*Pass it on! It gives a giggle to everyone!
Your turn! just make sure no one has a camera going anywhere near by! (don't forget to look at the post below if you haven't read it already!)
Pollen Season
Its official here in NC, its pollen season. You know it has come when you go outside and find your car covered in a film of yellow and green along with little squiggly things everywhere. It also means that is has gotten warm here. Believe me has it gotten warm! And then it goes cold again, but thats just spring for you. It gets even warmer in a tin can with little to circulate the air and nothing to cool the air down. A tin can? Yeah, thats what we call our house. If you have ever seen it you know exactly what I'm talking about.
The warm up is just about all that has happened this past week. I did get the perminant filling for my root canal finally. I will have to go back within 6 months to get a crown to put on it. They have been working on it since November!
I am curious, if you read this post and say that you have. I just want to know how many people actually read this. Is it really worth my time to sit here and write?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Praise the Lord!`
In my last post I forgot to tell you guys some wonderful news! My Uncle that lives in NH has been called to preach! He will be attending a local Bible college for the next three years. I am so excited! Who knew so much could change in just a year?
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
The Men's Retreat
I went to the Men's Retreat at the Anchorage. You are now probably looking at your screen going, WHAT? Let me explain. I went down to help out in the kitchen. There were two-four other teenagers and 2-3 other adults working in the kitchen besides me. It was a lot of fun even though I stood on my feet 5 hours or better at a time! The goofing around was fun, so was the work. There was never a condesending air about the place. If you did something that you shouldn't they explained what needed to be fixed or done differently and you went on. It was a very teaching/teachable attitude. I also got dips on all the left over desserts! Who can turn down that? (besides maybe a diabetic) I will NEVER EVER give the cooks or op staff a hard time after this weekend. They work way to hard to hear complaining or bulking from me. Makes me even more mad at the girl who spilled salt on the table just so she could play with it last summer.
I have been working on my scrapbook stuff some this past week. Making some head way in the 7 months or better of events I have to catch up on.
So why is it that NO ONE ever comments. It would be wonderful if they did. So I at least know that there are people reading it! Hm...I wonder if there is a way I could get people to comment. Oh Well, if you have any ideas go ahead and post them!