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Saturday, February 16, 2008

The week in the life of me

Okay, so this week was a hectic one for me. You might sit there and say, "Hectic? That is hectic? You should be in my shoes, now THAT is hectic!" For a highschooler i lead a pretty slow life. The south is slow, just the way things role around here. So, what happened this week?

Well, I got an email from my youth pastor to go to this website and watch these seminars. By the time I figured it out it was over for the day. The next day I checked in and started watching them. They are designed for youth pastors and such but were filled with such a great amount of information that my youth pastor suggested I watch them. So I did. They were so neat! It was amazing the things they were talking about. I never thought about it, but the way we are taught about witnessing for Christ, and everything just about is so man centered. The reason the Bible was given to us for example. We are taught it is because we need it for direction. God does everything to Glorify Him. That includes why He gave us the Bible. We should witness because we are so filled with awe and amazement for our Lord and His power we can't keep our mouths shut. The way to salvation is the same way. He sent His Son in such a way that only God could be given the credit. It was so cool! It really changed the way I looked at things.

Thursday my sister and I went to my grandfather's to start doing some spring cleaning. We barely scratched the surface after 4 hours of cleaning in his kitchen. It was interesting though. Especially when we got to the junk drawers. We started pulling things out and my grandfather didn't even know what some of the things were! There were items in there that could be put in the Smithsonian! I also saw several bottles that were older then me that were interesting. I won't ever have to ask again where things are in his kitchen. :)

Have you ever helped your grandparents clean their house? Find anything interesting? Ever learned something that just blew your mind? Something that completely changed the way you look at things?


Anonymous said...

now I'm in ur blog! Wow! Thats crazy :)

Debbycake said... isn't like there is a whole lot of people in my life to compete, when you are crazy it helps to get in here. ;-)