Click to feed Selar's frog!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

This past week has been kinda dull. There was only about 2 things that are really neat.

The first one was of course 4th of July! We basicly hung around the house and then went out and watched fireworks with some friends. I enjoyed the fellowship before the fireworks more than I did the fireworks themselves. The fireworks were well done though!

The second one was my lil sis, Hannah was Baptised Saturday at Lake Waccamaw. One of her previous counselors was able to watch her be Baptised. She really liked that. As well as Uncle Johnie was able to do it. It was really cool!

I will be at camp next week. I am excited about that! I am also excited about the Stargate Weekend I have planned!

the picture says, just in case you can't see it. "I love my boyfriend too!Oh, wait... I don't have one."